Monday, October 11, 2010
Lady of the luminous lamp
In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.Our heartiest congratulations to dear readers on a very auspicious occasion. Today is the birthday of a very blessed lady who reposes in peace in Iran, and here we present you a special feature in this regard.
Today, on the first of Zilqa'dah the city of Qom wears a festive look. There is fragrance in the atmosphere. There is joy on the faces of the people, especially of those who are streaming in and out of the golden-domed shrine, bustling this day with hundreds of thousands of pilgrims. Many of the visitors have come from different parts of Iran. There are people from other countries of the world as well. They have assembled to celebrate an auspicious event that occurred in the Prophet's city, Medina, a millennium, two centuries and fifty-eight years ago. They are displaying their devotion to the immortal legacy of the Last and Greatest of Divine Messengers, Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny), which has transformed Qom, on the edge of the Iranian desert, into the centre for diffusion of the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt – the exclusive group, which along with the God's Revealed Word, the Holy Qur'an, is known and revered as the Saqalayn. And the reason the destiny of Qom was changed for good forever was the arrival in this city and final repose of the noble lady of the Prophet's Household, who was born this day in 173 AH and whose birthday not just the people of this city are celebrating, but also all Iranians are marking as "Daughter's Day", in order to show the high respect Islam attaches, espeically to worthy and virtuous daughters.
She was Fatema (peace upon her) – the namesake of her great ancestress, the noblest lady of all times, the Prophet's immaculate daughter, Hazrat Fatema az-Zahra (peace upon her), whose resting place in Medina remains a secret till this day since her husband, the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (PBUH), did not want it to be desecrated in a distant future by the Wahhabi heretics like the other sanctified tombs of the Prophet's progeny in the land of revelation. She was the daughter of the Prophet's 7th Infallible Heir, Imam Musa al-Kazem (PBUH) – the Bab al-Hawa'ej or the Gateway of Boons – and the sister of Imam Ali ar-Reza (PBUH), whose shrine in Mashhad is the holiest spot in Iran. However, what makes her shrine the rendezvous of the faithful, from near and far, is not merely because of her peerless pedigree or for the matter that the soil of Iran – where graves are not desecrated – happened to be her place of eternal repose. In fact, it is because of her personal virtues that she has earned immortality as Ma'soumah or the Innocent Lady. To cite one single instance of her knowledge and outstanding merits is the famous incident in her homeland Hejaz that made her father remark: Fidaha Abuha (may her father be her sacrifice).
It happened that a group of pilgrims from Iran had called at the threshold of the Ahl al-Bayt in Medina for answers to their queries, unaware that Imam Musa al-Kazem (PBUH) was away on a journey. They were, however, not sent away empty-handed, for an attendant asked for their papers, saying the 7th Imam's little daughter could provide the answers. To their surprise the replies which they received from a girl of less than 8 years were not just satisfactory but beyond whatever they could comprehend. During their return journey to Iran they had a chanced encounter on the highway with Imam Kazem (PBUH). They greeted the Prophet's Heir, told him what had happened and showed him the answers provided by his little daughter, Fatema (peace upon her), to their complicated jurisprudential queries. It was then that the Imam expressed the above-mentioned phrase that further confirmed their faith in Islam and in the wisdom beyond years of the youngsters of the Prophet's Household. Over two decades later in 202 AH, the 29-year old Fatema al-Ma'soumah (peace upon her), who had remained a spinster since no man of her time was worthy of her impeccably meritorious hand, arrived in Iran to meet her brother, Imam Reza (PBUH), who was forced to come to the Khorasani city of Merv (presently in Turkmenistan) by the crafty Abbasid caliph, Mamoun.
Divine Providence willed that she break her journey in Qom. After a brief 17-day sojourn, the fatigue of the long journey, plus the attack on her caravan near Saveh by rogues in the service of the Abbasid regime, took the toll, and she departed for the ethereal heavens, thereby making Qom a Stairway to Paradise. Ever since, the Kareemat al-Ahl al-Bayt or Munificent Lady of the Prophet's Household, has continued to soothe souls, strengthen spirits, firm up hearts with faith, and enlighten minds – as testified by the famous Safavid era philosopher, Mullah Sadra (Sadreddin Shirazi), who says that whenever he got stuck up in his academic studies he would visit the shrine of Ma'soumah (peace upon her) to supplicate to God Almighty for answers to his queries. No wonder, Qom has blossomed into the main centre for seekers of exegetic, jurisprudential, theological, philosophical and all other branches of Islamic knowledge from all over the globe – a demonstration of which was given by Our Innocent Lady as a toddler in Medina. No wonder, both her brother Imam Reza and later her nephew Imam Jawad (peace upon them), had remarked: “Whoever visits her (tomb), aware of her position, Paradise is the reward.”
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Immortal Light of the Holy Qur'an
"They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will not consent save to perfect His light, though the unbelievers are averse."
The holy Qur'an, the last divine Book has brought the most perfect code of life for mankind. It is the book of Light and it is like the Ark of Salvation which guides mankind through the turbulent waters of life. The timeless wisdom of the holy Qur'an enlightens the seekers of truth. Linguists say that it looks as God Almighty in His last and most perfect of the Book of Guidance has arranged the most interesting phrases beside each other and created a great literary miracle. Even Christian scholars of the Arabic language have admitted it that this is not the work of any human being. Iran's Ayatollah Saafi Golpayegani says: the holy Qur'an grants life to human societies. Its legal laws are so firm which can never be compared with any human rights declaration drafted by fallible minds, including kings, ministers, or group of intellectuals. The dynamic laws of the holy Qur'an and can never be distorted. To date its challenge stands out and no one has been able to match its timeless eloquence by producing any verse near to its unrivalled beauty. From time immemorial, many laws have been enacted in different societies and many intellectual or ethical systems have claimed the guidance of mankind. But none of them have survived the course of history and have always been exposed to change, reform or complete annulment. For, these laws have been drawn up by human beings who are not fully aware of everything. But the holy Qur'an contains the divine words and immortal truth which never becomes old or jaded.
It is evident that the light of the holy Qur'an is never put out but it absorbs the hearts of more and more people. God Almighty has promised safeguarding of the holy Qur'an. In ayah 9 Surah Hijr we read:
"Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian."
In ayahs 41 and 42 of Surah Ha Mim, the holy Qur'an says:
"Surely those who disbelieve in the reminder when it comes to them, and most surely it is a Mighty Book"
"Falsehood shall not come to it from before it nor from behind it; a revelation from the Wise, the Praised One."
The holy Qur'an as the Final and Most Perfect Divine Book reiterates that its teachings are global and universal. It also confirms the teachings of the previously revealed divine books.
Among the Divine Books, the holy Quran has referred to Torah and Bible in many ayahs and mentioned anecdotes from the life of the Prophet Moses and Jesus (peace upon them).
In this relation, in ayah 136 of Surah Baqarah, the holy Qur'an says:
"Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit"
Ayatollah Golpayegani says: insult to the holy Qur'an is tantamount to insult to all Prophets, especially Abraham, Moses and Jesus and is also insult to the Virgin Mary. for in the holy Qur'an there is a Surah or chapter in her honour.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, considered the insult to the holy Qur'an as a calculated plot by those who have placed the policy of Islamophobia at their agenda and who embark on campaign against Islam in different ways. In this relation, he said, all should know that the recent incident has nothing to do with the Church and Christianity and the Christians are not responsible for the act of some idiotic priests. We Muslims will never embark on a similar act concerning the sanctities of other religions. The desecration of the holy Qur'an only makes it light, shine brighter.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Full text of president's speech at UN General Assembly
president's speech at UN General Assembly
New York 23 September 2010
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, and peace and blessing be upon our Master and Prophet, Mohammad, and his pure Household, and his noble Companions and on all divine messengers"
"Oh, God, hasten the arrival of Imam Al- Mahdi and grant him good health and victory and make us his followers and those who attest to his rightfulness"
Mr. President,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am grateful to the Almighty God who granted me the opportunity to appear before this world assembly once again. I wish to begin by commemorating those who lost their lives in the horrible flood in Pakistan and express my heartfelt sympathy with the families who lost their loved ones as well as with the people and the government of Pakistan. I urge everyone to assist their fellow men and women as a humane duty.
Let me thank H.E. Mr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, the President of the he sixty-fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly, for all his efforts during his tenure. I also would like to congratulate H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss, the President of the sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly and wish him all success.
In the past years, I spoke to you about some of the hopes and concerns, including family crises, security, human dignity, world economy, climate change as well as the aspiration for justice and lasting peace.
After about one hundred years of domination, the system of Capitalism and the existing world order has proved to be unable to provide appropriate solution to the problems of societies, thus coming to an end. I shall try to examine the two main causes of this failure and picture some features of the ideal future order.
A) Attitudes and Beliefs
As you are well aware, the divine prophets had the mission to call everyone to monotheism, love and justice and show mankind the path to prosperity. They invite men to contemplation and knowledge in order to better appreciate the truth and to avoid atheism and egoism. The very nature of the message of all prophets is one and the same. Every messenger endorsed the messenger before him and gave glad tidings about the prophet to come, and presented a more complete version of the religion in accordance with the capacity of the man at the time. This continued up to the last messenger of God who presented the perfect and all inclusive religion.
In opposition to that, the egotist and the greedy stood up against this clear call, revolting against the message.
Nimrod countered Hazrat Abraham, Pharaoh countered Hazrat Moses and the greedy countered Hazrat Jesus Christ and Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon them all). In the recent centuries, the human ethics and values have been rejected as a cause for backwardness. They were even portrayed as opposing wisdom and science because of the earlier infliction on man by the proclaimers of religion in the dark ages of the West
Man's disconnection from Heaven detached him from his true self.
Man with his potentials for understanding the secrets of the universe, his instinct for seeking truth, his aspirations for justice and perfection, his quest for beauty and purity and his capacity to represent God on earth was reduced to a creature limited to the materialistic world with a mission to maximize individualistic pleasures. Human instinct, then, replaced true human nature.
Human beings and nations were considered rivals and the happiness of an individual or a nation was defined in collision with, and elimination or suppression of others. Constructive evolutionary cooperation was replaced with a destructive struggle for survival.
The lust for capital and domination replaced monotheism which is the gate to love and unity.
This widespread clash of the egoist with the divine values gave way to slavery and colonialism. A large portion of the world came under the domination of a few western States. Tens of millions of people were taken to slavery and tens of millions of families were shattered as a result. All the resources, the rights and the cultures of the colonized nations were plundered. Lands were occupied and the indigenous people were humiliated and mass- murdered.
Yet, nations rose up, colonialism was alienated and the independence of the nations was recognized. Thus, the hope for respect, prosperity and security was revived amongst nations. In the beginning of the past century nice talks about freedom, human rights and democracy created hopes for healing the deep wounds of the past. Today, however, not only those dreams are not realized, but memories, even at times worse than before, have been recorded.
As a result of the two World Wars, the occupation of Palestine, the Korean and the Vietnam's Wars, the Iraqi war against Iran, the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as many wars in Africa, hundreds of millions of people were killed, wounded or displaced.
Terrorism, illicit drugs, poverty and the social gaps increased. The dictatorial and coup d'état governments in Latin America committed unprecedented crimes with the support of the West.
Instead of disarmament, the proliferation and stockpiling of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons expanded, putting the world under a bigger threat. As a result, the very same old goals of colonialists and the slave masters were, this time round, pursued with a new façade.
B) The Global Management and Ruling Structures
The League of Nations and, then, the United Nations were established with the promise to bring about peace, security and the realization of human rights, which in fact meant a global management.
One can analyze the current governance of the world by examining three events:
First, the event of the 11 September 2001 which had affect the whole world for almost a decade.
All of a sudden, the news of the attack on the twin towers was broadcast using numerous footages of the incident.
Almost all governments and known figures strongly condemned this incident.
But then a propaganda machine came into full force; it was implied that the whole world was exposed to a huge danger, namely terrorism, and that the only way to save the world would be to deploy forces into Afghanistan.
Eventually Afghanistan, and shortly thereafter Iraq were occupied.
Please take note:
It was said that some three thousand people were killed on the 11 September for which we are all very saddened. Yet, up until now, in Afghanistan and Iraq hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, millions wounded and displaced and the conflict is still going on and expanding.
In identifying those responsible for the attack, there were three viewpoints.
1- That a very powerful and complex terrorist group, able to successfully cross all layers of the American intelligence and security, carried out the attack.
This is the main viewpoint advocated by American statesmen.
2- That some segments within the U.S. government orchestrated the attack to reverse the declining American economy and its grips on the Middle East in order also to save the Zionist regime.
The majority of the American people as well as other nations and politicians agree with this view.
3- It was carried out by a terrorist group but the American government supported and took advantage of the situation. Apparently, this viewpoint has fewer proponents.
The main evidence linking the incident was a few passports found in the huge volume of rubble and a video of an individual whose place of domicile was unknown but it was announced that he had been involved in oil deals with some American officials. It was also covered up and said that due to the explosion and fire no trace of the suicide attackers was found.
There remain, however, a few questions to be answered:
1- Would it not have been sensible that first a thorough investigation should have been conducted by independent groups to conclusively identify the elements involved in the attack and then map out a rational plan to take measures against them?
2- Assuming the viewpoint of the American government, is it rational to launch a classic war through widespread deployment of troops that led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people to counter a terrorist group?
3- Was it not possible to act the way Iran countered the Riggi terrorist group who killed and wounded 400 innocent people in Iran. In the Iranian operation no innocent person was hurt.
It is proposed that the United Nations set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of the 11 September so that in the future expressing views about it is not forbidden.
I wish to announce here that next year the Islamic Republic of Iran will host a conference to study terrorism and the means to confront it. I invite officials, scholars, thinkers, researchers and research institutes of all countries to attend this conference.
Second, is the occupation of the Palestinian Territories?
The oppressed people of Palestine have lived under the rule of an occupying regime for 60 years, been deprived of freedom, security and the right to self-determination, while the occupiers are given recognition. On a daily basis, the houses are being destroyed over the heads of innocent women and children. People are deprived of water, food and medicine in their own homeland. The Zionists have imposed five all-out wars on the neighboring countries and on the Palestinian people.
The Zionists committed the most horrible crimes against the defenseless people in the wars against Lebanon and Gaza.
The Zionist regime attacked a humanitarian flotilla in a blatant defiance of all international norms and kills the civilians.
This regime which enjoys the absolute support of some western countries regularly threatens the countries in the region and continues publicly announced assassination of Palestinian figures and others, while Palestinian defenders and those opposing this regime are pressured, labeled as terrorists and anti Semites. All values, even the freedom of expression, in Europe and in the United States are being sacrificed at the altar of Zionism.
Solutions are doomed to fail because the right of the Palestinian people is not taken into account.
Would we have witnessed such horrendous crimes if instead of recognizing the occupation, the sovereign right of the Palestinian people had been recognized?
Our unambiguous proposition is the return of the Palestinian refugees to their home land and the reference to the vote of the people of Palestine to exercise their sovereignty and decide on the type of governance.
Third, is the nuclear energy
Nuclear energy is clean and cheap and a heavenly gift which is amongst the most suitable alternatives to cut the pollutions emanating from fossil fuels.
The Non- Proliferation Treaty (NPT) allows all member States to use nuclear energy without limits and the International Atomic Energy Agency is mandated to provide member States with technical and legal support.
The nuclear bomb is the worst inhumane weapon and which must totally be eliminated. The NPT prohibits its development and stockpiling and calls for nuclear disarmament.
Nonetheless, note what some of the permanent members of the Security Council and nuclear bomb holders have done:
They have equated nuclear energy with the nuclear bomb, and have distanced this energy from the reach of most of nations by establishing monopolies and pressuring the IAEA. While at the same time, they have continued to maintain, expand and upgrade their own nuclear arsenals.
This has entailed the following:
Not only the nuclear disarmament has not been realized but also nuclear bombs have been proliferated in some regions, including by the occupying and intimidating Zionist regime.
I would like here to propose that the year 2011 be proclaimed the year of nuclear disarmament and "Nuclear Energy for all, Nuclear Weapons for None".
In all these cases the United Nations has been unable to take any effective course of action. Unfortunately, in the decade proclaimed as the "International Decade for the Culture of Peace" hundreds of thousands were killed and injured as a result of war, aggression and occupation, and hostilities and antagonism increased.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Very recently the world witnessed the ugly and inhumane act of burning the Holy Quran.
The Holy Quran is the Divine Book and the eternal miracle of the Prophet of Islam. It calls for worshipping the One God, justice, compassion toward people, development and progress, reflection and thinking, defending the oppressed and resisting against the oppressors; and it names with respect the previous Messengers of God, like Noah, Abraham, Isaaq, Joseph, Moses and Jesus Christ (Peace be Upon them all) and endorses them.. They burned Quran to burn all these truths and good judgments. However, the truth could not be burned. Quran is eternal because God and truth are everlasting. This act and any other act which widens the gap and distances between nations is evil. We should wisely avoid playing into the hands of Satan. On behalf of the Iranian nation I pay respect to all Divine Books and their followers. This is the Quran and this is the Bible. I pay respect to both of them.
Esteemed Friends,
For years the inefficiency of the capitalism and the existing world management and structures has been exposed and the majority of States and nations have been on a quest for fundamental changes and for the prevalence of justice in global relations.
The cause of the United Nation's ineptitude is in its unjust structure. Major power is monopolized in the Security Council due to the veto privilege, and the main pillar of the Organization, namely the General Assembly, is marginalized.
In the past several decades, at least one of the permanent members of the Security Council has always been a party to the disputes.
The veto advantage grants impunity to aggression and occupation; How could, therefore, one expect competence while both the judge and the prosecutor are a party to the dispute?
Had Iran enjoyed veto privilege, would the Security Council and the IAEA Director General have taken the same position in the nuclear issue?
Dear Friends,
The United Nations is the key center for coordinating the common global management. Its structure needs to be reformed in a manner that all independent States and nations be able to participate in the global governance actively and constructively.
The veto privilege should be revoked and the General Assembly should be the highest body and the Secretary-General should be the most independent official and all his positions and activities should be taken with the approval of the General Assembly and should be directed towards promoting justice and eliminating discrimination.
The Secretary-General should not come under pressure from powers and/or the country hosting the Organization for his stating the truth and administration of justice.
It is suggested that the General Assembly should, within one year and in the framework of an extraordinary session, finalize the reformation of the Organization's structure
The Islamic Republic of Iran has clear suggestions in this regard and stands ready to participate actively and constructively in the process.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I announce clearly that the occupation of other countries under the pretext of freedom and democracy is an unforgivable crime.
The world needs the logic of compassion and justice and inclusive participation instead of logic of force, domination, unilateralism, war and intimidation.
The world needs to be governed by virtuous people like the Divine Prophets.
The two vast geographical spheres, namely Africa and Latin America, have gone through historic developments during the past decades. The new approaches in these two continents, which are based on increasing level of integration and unity as well as on localizing the growth and development models, have born considerable fruits to the peoples of those regions. The awareness and wisdom of the leaders of these two continents has overcome the regional problems and crises without the domineering interference of non-regional powers.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has expanded its relations with the Latin America and Africa in all aspects in recent years.
And about the glorious Iran,
The Tehran Declaration was a hugely constructive step in confidence building efforts which was made possible through the admirable good will by the governments of Brazil and Turkey along with the sincere cooperation of the Iranian government. Although the Declaration received inappropriate reaction by some and was followed by an unlawful resolution, it is still valid.
We have observed the regulations of the IAEA more than our commitments, yet, we have never submitted to illegally imposed pressures nor will we ever do so.
It has been said that they want to pressure Iran into a dialogue. Well, firstly, Iran has always been ready for a dialogue based on respect and justice. Secondly, methods based on disrespecting nations have long become ineffective. Those who have used intimidation and sanctions in response to the clear logic of the Iranian nation are in real terms destroying the remaining credibility of the Security Council and the trust of nations for this body, proving once and again how unjust is the function of the Council.
When they threaten a great nation such as Iran which is known throughout history for its scientists, poets, artists and philosophers and whose culture and civilization is synonymous to purity, submission to God and seeking justice, how can they ever expect that other nations grow confidence on them?
It goes without saying that domineering methods in managing the world has failed. Not only has the era of slavery and colonialism and dominating the world passed, the path to the reviving old Empires are blocked, too.
We have announced that we stand ready for a serious and free debate with the American Statesmen to express our transparent views on issues of importance to the world in this very venue.
It is proposed here that in order to have a constructive dialogue, an annual free debate be organized within the General Assembly.
In conclusion,
Friends and Colleagues,
The Iranian nation and the majority of the world’s nations and governments are against the current discriminatory management of the world.
The inhumane nature of this management has put it at a dead-end and requires a major overhaul.
Reforming the world’s affairs and bringing about tranquility and prosperity requires the participation of all, pure thoughts and the divine and humane management.
We are all of the idea that:
Justice is the basic element for peace, durable security and the spread of love among peoples and nations. It is in the justice that mankind seeks the realization of his aspirations, rights and dignity, since he is wary of oppression, humiliation and ill treatment.
The true nature of mankind is manifested in the love for other fellow humans and love for all the good in the world. Love is the best foundation for establishing relation amongst people and amongst nations.
As Vahshi Bafqi, the great Iranian poet, says:
“From the fountain of youth, drink thousand sips
You’ll still die if you don’t have love’s grip”
In making a world full of purity, safety and prosperity people are not rivals but companions.
Those who see their happiness but in the sorrow of others and their welfare and safety but in others' insecurity, those who see themselves superior to others, are out of the path of humanity and are in evil’s course.
Economy and materialistic means are only some tools to serve others, to create friendship and strengthen human connections for spiritual perfection. They are not tools for show-off or means of dominating others.
Men and women complements each other and family unit with pure, loving and long-lasting relation of the spouses in its center is the guarantee for the continuity and the bringing up generations, for true pleasures, for spreading love and for reforming of the societies.
Woman is a reflection of God’s beauty and is the source of love and caring. She is the guardian of purity and exquisiteness of the society.
The tendency to toughen the souls and behaviors of women deprives them from their very basic right of being a loving mother and a caring wife. It would result in a more violent society with irreversible defects.
Freedom is a divine right that should serve peace and human perfection.
Pure thoughts and the will of the righteous are keys to the gates of a pure life full of hope, liveliness and beauty.
This is the promise of God that the earth will be inherited by the pure and the righteous. And the people free from selfishness will take up the management of the world. Then, there will be no trace of sorrow, discrimination, poverty, insecurity and aggression. The time for true happiness and for the blossoming of the true nature of humankind, the way God has intended, will arrive.
All those seeking for justice and all the free spirits have been waiting for this moment and have promised such glorious time.
The complete human, the true servant of God and the true friend of the mankind whose father was from the generation of the beloved Prophet of Islam and whose mother was from the true believers of the Jesus Christ, shall wait along with Jesus the son of Marry and the other righteous to appear on those brilliant times and assist the humanity.
In welcoming them we should join ranks and seek justice.
Praise to Love and worship, praise to justice and freedom, praise to the true humanity, the complete human, the true companion of the humankind and peace be upon you and all the righteous and the pure.
Thank you.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Fatima (A.S.) the Daughter of the Prophet (S.A)
(Peace be Upon her)
Title: az- Zahra'.
Agnomen: Ummu 'l-A'immah.
Father's name: Muhammad ibn `Abdillah.
Mother's name: khadijah bint khuwaylid.
Birth: Born in Mecca of Friday, 20th jumada ` th-thaaniyah in the fifth year after the declaration of the prophet - hood (615 AD).
Death: Died at the age of 18 in Medina on 14th Jumada ' l-ula 11 AH ( 632 AD); buried in the graveyard called Jannatul-Baqi in Medina.
HADRAT FATIMAH, was the only daughter of the Holy Prophet and Hadrat khadijah. the circumstances of her birth are described by Hadrat khadijah as follows: At the time of the birth of Hadrat Fatimah, I sent for my neighboring qurayshite women to assist me. They flatly refused, saying that I had betrayed them by supporting Muhammad. I was perturbed for a while, when , to my great surprise, I sighted four strange tall women with halos around them , approaching me. Finding me dismayed, one of them addressed me thus, " O Khadijah! I am Sarah, the mother of Ishaq, and the other three are, Mary the mother of Christ, Asiyah the daughter of Muzahim, and Umm kulthum, the sister of Moses. We have all been commanded by God to put our nursing knowledge at your disposal." saying this, all of them sat around me and rendered the services of midwifery till my daughter Fatimah was born. The motherly blessings and affection received by Hadrat Fatimah were only for five years, after which Hadrat Khadijah left for her heavenly home . Hereafter the Holy Prophet brought her up.
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When Fatimah come of age, there come forward a number of aspirants to ask for her hand in marriage. The Holy prophet was awaiting the Divine order in this respect, till Imam ` Ali approached him and asked for her hand in marriage. The Holy Prophet come to Hadrat Fatimah and asked, " My daughter ! Do you consent to be wedded to ` Ali, as I am so commanded by Allah ? " Hadrat Fatimah thereupon bowed her head in modesty. Umm Salamah narrates: " The face of Fatimah bloomed with joy and her silence was so suggestive and conspicuous that the Holy Prophet stood up reciting ` Allahu Akbar' ( Allah is most great ) .
Fatimah's silence is her acceptance." On Friday, l st. dhi'l - hijjah 2 A H , the marriage ceremony took place. All the Muhajirun ( Emigrants) and Ansar ( Helpers) of Medina assembled in the mosque while Imam ` Ali was seated before the Holy Prophet with all the ceremonious modesty of a bridegroom. they Holy Prophet first recited an eloquent sermon and them announced: I have been commanded by Allah to get Fatimah wedded to ` Ali, and so I do hereby solemnize the matrimony between ` Ali and Fatimah on a dower of four hundred mithqal of silver. Then he asked Imam ` Ali, " Do you consent to it, O `Ali ? " Yes, I do , O Holy Prophet of Allah! " replied Imam ` Ali. Then the Holy Prophet raised his hands to pray thus O my god ! bless both of them , sanctify their progeny and grant them the keys of The beneficence, Thy treasures of wisdom and Thy genius; and let them be a source of blessing and peace to my ummah. Her children; Imam Hasan, Imam husayn, zaynab and um kultun, are well - known for their piety , goodness and generosity. Their strength of character and action changed the course of history and fortified Islam which otherwise would have been lost to mankind.
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Her Ethical Attributes
Hardrat Fatimah inherited the genius and wisdom, the determination and will - power, the piety and sanctity, the generosity and benevolence, the devotion and worship of Allah, the self - sacrifice and hospitality, the forbearance and patience, and the knowledge and nobility of disposition of her illustrious father , both in words and deeds. " I often witnessed my mother, "says Imam Husayn, " absorbed in preayer from dusk to down. "Her generosity and compassion for the poor was such that no destitute or beggar ever returned from her door unattended.
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The Property of Fadak
The Holy Prophet during his lifetime gave Hadrat Fatimah a gift of very extensive from land , known as Fadak , which was documented in her name as her absolute property. The death of the Holy Prophet affected her very much and she was very sad and grief - stricken and wept her heart out crying all the time . she was confronted, after the demise of her father, with the deprivement of the rightful claim of leadership of her husband Imam ` Ali , and the usurpation of her inheritance, the Fadak. Throughout her life, she never spoke to those who had oppressed her and deprived her of her rightful claims. She requested that her oppressors should be kept away even from attending her funeral. Her ill - wishers even resorted to physical violence. Once the door of her house was pushed on her , and the child she was carrying was hurt and the baby - boy was still born. Her house was set on fire. Having been molested and strichen with grief, which crossed all limits of forbearance and endurance , she expressed her sorrows in and elegy composed by herself to mourn her father the Holy Prophet. A couplet of the elegy, with particular reference to her woeful plight, she expressed thus: O my father ! after your death I was subjected to such tortures and tyranny that if they had been inflicted on the `Day' , it would have turned into ` Night'.
* * *
Hadrat Fatimah did not survive more than seventy-five day after the demise of her father. she breathed her last on the 14th jumada'l - ula 11 AH. Before her demise she bequeathed the following as her will to Imam 'Ali: 1. O ` Ali, you will personally perform my funeral rites. 2. Those who have displeased my should not be allowed to attend my funeral. 3 .My corpse should be carried to the graveyard at right. Thus Imam ` compliance with her will , performed all the funeral rites and accompanied exclusively by her relatives and sons carried her at night to Jannatu l-Baqi, where she was laid to rest and her wishes fulfilled.
The Holy Prophet said:
"whoever injures (bodily or sentimentally ) Fatimah, injures me ; and whoever injures me injures Allah; and whoever injures Allah practices unbelief. O Fatimah ! If your wrath is incurred, it incurs the wrath of Allah; and if you are happy, it makes Allah happy too."
M.H. shakir writers:
Fatimah, the only daughter of the Holy prophet of Islam, was born I Mecca on 20 Th. Jumada ' th - thaniyah 18 BH. The good and noble lady Khadijah and the apostle of Allah bestowed all their natural love, care and devotion on their lovable and only child Fatimah, who in her turn was extremely fond of her parents. The princess of the House of the Prophet, was very intelligent, accomplished and cheerful. Her sermons, poems and sayings serve, as an index to her strength of character and nobility of mind. Her virtues gained her the title " Our Lady of light. she was tall, slender and endowed with great beauty, which caused her to be called " az - Zahra' " ( the Lady of Light). she was called az - Zahra' because her light used to shine among those in Heaven. After arriving in Medina, she was married to ` Ali , in the first year hijrah, and she gave birth to three sons and two daughters. Her children, Hasan, Husayn, Zaynab and umm kul-thum. are well - known for their piety , goodness and generosity Their strength of chracter and actions changed the course of history. The Holy Prophet said, " Fatimah is a peace of my heart". He would go out to receive his doughtier whenever she come from her husband's house.
Every morning on his way to the Mosque, he would pass by Fatimah's house and say: " as-salamu ` alaykum ya ahlul-Bayti`n-nubuwwah wa ma` dani ` r - risala " ( peace be on you O the Household of prophet hood and the source of Messengership) Fatimah is famous and acknowledged as the " sayyidatu 'n-nisa'i ' l-alamin " ( Leader of all the women of the world for all times ) because the Prophethood of Muhammad would not have been everlasting without her. The Prophet is the perfect example for men, but could not be so for women. For all the verses revealed in the Holy Qur'an for women, Fatimah is the perfect model, who translated every year into action. In her lifetime, she was a complete woman, being Daughter, wife and Mother at the some time.
Muhammad during his lifetime, gave Fatimah a gift of very extensive farm lands, famous as Fadak, which were documented in her name, as her absolute personal property. An heiress to the remainder of her mother`s wealth, a princess who was the only daughter of the holy prophet who was also a ruler, a lady whose husband was the conqueror of Arab tribes and second only to her father in and position, Fatimah could have led a luxurious life. But in spite of her wealth and possessions, she worked, dressed, ate and lived very simply . she was very generous; and none who come to her door, when away empty handed. Many times she gave away her all and herself went without food. As a daughter, she loved her parents so much , that she won their love and regard to such and extent that the Holy prophet used to rise, whenever she come near him As a wife, she was very devoted.
She never asked ` Ali for anything in her whole life. As a mother , she cared for and brought up wonderful children; they have lift their marks on the face of the world , which time will not be able to eraze. The death of the Apostle, affected her very much and she was very sad and grief- striken and wept her heart out crying all the time. unfortunately, after the death of the prophet, the government confiscated her famous land of Fadak and gave it to the state. Fatimah was pushed behind her him door ( when they attacked the house of ` Ali and took him to force him accept the caliphate of Abu Baker), so that the child , she was carrying was hurt and the baby boy Muhsin was still born.
Her house was set on fire by the Government. The tragedy of her father's death and the unkindness of her fathers`s followers, were too much for the good , gently and sensitive lady and she breathed her last on 14 Th. Jumada ` l - ula 11 AH, exactly seventy - five days after the death of her father, the Holy prophet of Islam. Fatimah died in the prime of her life at the age of eighteen, and was buried in jannatu 'l-Baqi ` Medina.
Marriage of Fatima Zahra(AS)
Because of the excellence of Fatimah (A), the Holy Prophet (S) received numerous offers for her hand in marriage from wealthy families and chiefs of tribes. He refused them all, saying that he was waiting for the order of Allah regarding the person to whom his daughter should be married.
The Muslims realised that the person who married this great lady would not need to be rich and powerful, but would have to possess her qualities of truthfulness, piety and excellence. Therefore, some people suggested to Imam Ali (A) that he should go to the Holy Prophet (S) and place a proposal for himself. Imam Ali (A) also wished this, and he approached the Holy Prophet (S). Imam Ali (A) felt shy at his request but when the Holy Prophet (S) encouraged him to speak what was on his mind, he managed to tell him.
When the Holy Prophet (S) heard the proposal he was so pleased that he smiled and said, "It is a welcome and happy proposal." However, he asked Imam Ali (A) to wait till he asked his daughter. When the Holy Prophet (S) mentioned the proposal of Imam Ali (A) to Bibi Fatimah (A), she remained quiet due to her modesty. The Holy Prophet (S) declared, "Her silence means her consent."
In those days, Imam Ali (A) owned nothing except his sword and battle armour. He was advised by the Holy Prophet (S) to sell the armour to meet the expense of marriage. With the money from the sale, the items of dowry for Hazrat Fatimah (A) were purchased.
These consisted of some perfume, a shirt, a black bath robe, a head-dress, a bed made of wood and date palm fibre, two mattresses of Egyptian linen, four pillows, a curtain, a mat, two millstones (for grinding flour), a water skin, a wooden bowl for milk, a container for water, some jars, two silver bangles and one copper vessel.
The marriage ceremony was performed by the Holy Prophet (S) in the month of Ramadhan 2 A.H. All the Muhajireen and Ansar gathered for the wedding, and Imam Ali (A) arranged for a feast (Walimah) in honour of his wife.
The Holy Prophet (S) informed his daughter of the virtues and qualities of her husband. Then he turned to Imam Ali (A) and mentioned the excellence of his daughter and said that if Imam Ali (A) had not been born, there would have been none else to match her. He then divided the duties of life between them. He told Hazrat Fatimah (A) to take care of all the household affairs while he made Imam Ali (A) responsible for the outdoor duties.
From this marriage Imam Ali (A) and Hazrat Fatimah (A) were blessed with two sons, Imam Hasan (A) and Imam Husain (A), and two daughters, Hazrat Zainab (A) and Hazrat Umme Kulthum (A).
Martydom of Imam Ali (AS)
"And do not speak of those who are slain in the the Way of Allah as dead; nay, they are alive, but you perceive not." Qur'an 2:154
His Last Will and Testament
Imam Ali's (AS) last will to his sons Imam Hasan (AS) and Imam Hussain (AS) following a fatal blow on his head during morning prayers by Ibn Muljim (A Kharijite):
My advice to you is to be conscious of Allah and steadfast in your religion. Do not yearn for the world, and do not be seduced by it. Do not resent anything you have missed in it. Proclaim the truth; work for the next world. Oppose the oppressor and support the oppressed.
I advise you, and all my children, my relatives, and whosoever receives this message, to be conscious of Allah, to remove your differences, and to strengthen your ties. I heard your grandfather, peace be upon him, say: "Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all prayers and all fasting."
Fear Allah in matters concerning orphans. Attend to their nutrition and do not forget their interests in the middle of yours.
Fear Allah in your relations with your neighbors. Your Prophet often recommended them to you, so much so that we thought he would give them a share in inheritance.
Remain attached to the Quran. Nobody should surpass you in being intent on it, or more sincere in implementing it.
Fear Allah in relation to your prayers. It is the pillar of your religion.
Fear Allah in relation to His House; do not abandon it as long as you live. If you should do that you would abandon your dignity.
Persist in jihad in the cause of Allah, with your money, your souls, and your tongue.
Maintain communication and exchange of opinion among yourselves. Beware of disunity and enmity. Do not desist from promoting good deeds and cautioning against bad ones. Should you do that, the worst among you would be your leaders, and you will call upon Allah without response.
O Children of Abdul Muttalib! Do not shed the blood of Muslims under the banner: The Imam has been assassinated! Only the assassin should be condemned to death.
If I die of this stroke of his, kill him with one similar stroke. Do not mutilate him! I have heard the Prophet, peace be upon him, say: "Mutilate not even a rabid dog."
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Shahadat of the Commander of the Faithful, our first Imam, Imam Ali (A।S।)
Shahadat of the Commander of the Faithful, our first Imam, Imam Ali (A।S।) - 21st Ramadhan

Commemorating Shabe Zarbat of 1st Imam Ali (AS)

Friday, August 20, 2010
Teaching Methods in Islam
Teaching Methods in Islam
The ancient Muslim educationists adopted a special method of teaching that promotes the recipients of knowledge. The following are some articles of the teaching methods:
Forsaking Tension
Teachers ought to treat their pupils leniently and kindly and avoid any tension and cruelty since these two things impede the mental growth and author serious psychological complexes. Ibn Khuldun says, “Tensional teaching injures the pupils, especially the children and the harshly educated.”
Physical Discipline
Pupils of irregular behavior and negligence should be disciplined if they ignore the advice. The ancient Muslim teachers used to beat and detain even the kings’ sons. Abu Merriam, the educator of al-Amin and al-Mamun*, caned them so harshly that one’s arm was injured. Before his father, the boy showed his hand, and the teacher was summoned. “What for did Mohammed –al-Amin- complain you?” asked ar-Rashid. “He is full of naivete and slyness,” answered the teacher. The caliph then said, “You may kill him! His death is better than being dull.”
In his instructions to al-Ahmer, one of his sons’ educators, ar-Rashid said, “You should first reform him by means of kindness and lenience. If he refuses, then you should use tension and coarse.”
Fathers used to say to the educators of their sons, “Your share is the flesh while ours is the bones.”
Beating and tormenting were the most important means of education. This is incorrect indeed since it is undecided to Islam that regards mercy, kindness, and lenience as the most matters on which education should settle. All of the crooked ways should be avoided in the educational processes. Teachers should not exceed in disciplining the irregular and deviant pupils since it creates mental complexes and impedes the maturity and prosperity of education and personality. Ibn Khuldoun says, “If the educator uses coercion, this will distress the pupil and confine his delighted spirit and urge on indolence and lead to lie and malignancy for avoiding more coercion. In addition, this coercion will teach the pupil trickery and fraud, and the pupil may take them as customs and qualities forever. The educator, whether teacher or father, should not exaggerate in disciplining the sons.” The Prophet (s) said, “Teach without chiding. Teachers are preferable to the scolders.” Ibn Quteiba said, “Teachers are recommended not to use tension or pride.”
Teachers are compared to the compassionate father. It is said, “Teachers are the substitutes of fathers.” It is also said, “Teachers ought to care for the students’ interests and treat them like the dearest sons with kindness, courtesy, benevolence, and patience on probable alienation. Teachers should apprise of their flaws by means of advice and sympathy, not chiding and crudeness.” Al-Qabisi, one of the master educators of the fourth century –of Hegira-, was asked whether it is recommended for teachers to use coarseness or lenience with students, he answered, “Disciplining should never occupy the good teachers’ lenience and mercy to the pupils. Teachers are the substitutes of their fathers. It is discommended for teachers to be always frowning. This will make the pupils disrespect them.”
Teachers’ roughness originates mental troubles and leads to the students’ refusing the lessons.
Suggestive Rebuke
Muslim educationists believe that the insinuative rebuke should be within the teaching methods in case pupils show irregular behavior or imperfect work since this method is more impressive than expression. They said, “Teachers who notice an irregularity or a crooked behavior should not state it directly to the pupils. They should insinuate within their common speech by referring to the disadvantages of such a behavior. This will achieve the intended convention.”
This method, in fact, is more useful than direct reproach, which may lead to rebellion and insistence on the wrong. Islam has asserted this topic in the fields of education and teaching. It is related that Imams al-Hassan and al-Hussein, the grandsons of the Prophet, once noticed an old man perform the ritual ablution incorrectly. They avoided stating to him directly; hence, they agreed on making him the arbiter who should rule of the most accurate ablution. As they performed the ablution before him, the old man said, “O masters! You both have performed the very accurate ablution, but it seems that the old man can master nothing.”
Islam has adopted this necessary practice since it saves the deviant from irregularity and aberrance and takes him back to the truth and right. Educationists said, “The pupil that is not amended by insinuative impression, owing to lack of understanding and perception, secret expression and frank warning should be used. If this method is unsuccessful, the teacher may warn openly and reproach. If this is also unsuccessful, the teacher then may dismiss and leave the pupil till he
Muslim educationists have been greatly concerned with the learners’ affairs. They constituted the considerable methods that aim at disciplining and acquiring the virtuous ethics and noble manners.
- Learners should seek knowledge for God’s sake purely, neglecting any worldly interest or valueless purpose. God will surely raise the respects of such learners, facilitate the difficulties, grant perception and intelligence, and combine the welfare of this world and the Hereafter.
- Learners should carry out the religious instructions and precepts as well as the noble morals and ritual practices. They should fear God in their hiddens as well as their appearances and purify their hearts against discommended qualities such as envy, ostentation, pride, and arrogance since these characters are the vilest and the most unassuming. An educationist says, “Prayers are invalid without extrinsic purification. Likewise, heart worship that is seeking knowledge is invalid unless the hearts are purified from ill manners and immoral qualities. Knowledge is not the abundance of narration. It is an illumination that is cast in hearts.”
- Learners should enjoy self-possession and sedateness. The Prophet (s) said, “Seek knowledge and convey to people. Use composure, tranquility, and modesty to those from whom you learn and those to whom you convey. Do not be the despotic of knowledge.” Imam as-Sadiq said, “Seek knowledge and use self-possession, composure, and modesty to those from whom you learn. Do not be the despotic of knowledge, otherwise the wrong will remove your right.” Students of such perfect moralities will naturally be the exemplars of others and influence positively in the people’s behavior and ethics.
- Learners should exert all efforts for seeking knowledge since it is not inspirational. Knowledge is acquirable. It depends upon the scope of the efforts that lead to obtaining scientific fortune. Learners should respect time as well as their lessons. Any tardiness will waste the classes and cause the teachers’ carelessness.
- Learners should not exaggerate in studying lest their powers and energy will be exhausting and the mental maturity be impeded. It is essential for learners to have sufficient time for rest and physical relaxation. Men should regard the rights of their bodies. Al-Ghezali said, “It is essential to give the pupils sufficient time for acceptable amusement and relaxation after the fatigue of teaching. Preventing the pupils from entertainment after the exhausting teaching will deaden their hearts stupefy their minds. This will also cause a life disturbance and oblige them to look for trickeries for the sake of getting rid of such a disturbance.”
- Learners should not ask rigor questions otherwise they lose prosperity owing to disrespecting the knowledge and dishonoring the teachers whose approval should precede everything else.
- Learners should respect their teachers who should enjoy rights that are preferable to the fathers. Ashafii said, “I used to reverence my teacher, Malik, to the degree that I skimmed over the books so slightly so that he will not hear the sounds of the papers.” Learners should also esteem their teachers in their presence or absence, use various styles of honoring and veneration, neglect using their names, and stand their flaws and roughness. Ashafii reported, “People informed Sufian bin Uyeina that some people, who had come from distant districts, would leave him because of his harshness.” He said, “They are surely ignorant if they leave their advantages because of my ill manners.” Learners should also be in the class before their teachers, sit in front of them, not lean to a wall or a pad, and not turn the back before them. All these affairs contradict the teachers’ rights. They should also listen heedfully to their teachers and save them against repeating the teaching materials. Moreover, learners should avoid yawning, eructing, laughing, mocking, or practicing any deed that dishonors the teachers.
- Learners should not combine two subjects of study at the same time, lest their minds will be exceedingly disturbed. Ibn Khuldoun says, “Learners must not mix two matters of knowledge at the same time, lest they will be too deficient to obtain any of them since this causes mind confusion and leaning to one on the account of the other.”
- Learners should not associate with other than the hard-working students so that they receive the good behaviors. It is said that the social life is influential and being influenced. Each individual gives and takes from the surroundings. Lazy and slender individuals will surely convey their qualities to their associates.
- Primary learners should not involve themselves in discrepancies and ambiguous opinions of the master scholars especially in conceptual theses, lest these variant opinions will weaken their mentalities and natures.
- Learners should not move to another lesson before they master the earlier. Negligence will surely cause tardiness and skillessness.
The directives concerning education in Islam are many and the ways for reformation well defined. Here we will mention some of the most important ones and concentrate on the following directives and suggestions and beseech Allah to make our endeavors successful:
* It is advisable for parents to build a harmonious and loving relationship between them because constant disagreement or abnormal behavior on their part reflects on their children's conduct. Disrespect for each other by the husband and wife, constant nagging or quarrelling, violence, discontent and an atmosphere of gloom and hatred have negative effects upon the children's psychology and personality which ultimately leads to bad behaviour and low morals. Therefore the parents' mutual relationship and their behaviour is of vital importance because it leaves its good or bad effects on the family as a whole, but more particularly on the children, who in turn infect the society.
* We must give our children love and kindness and teach them good manners, in order to create a harmonious family. An atmosphere of peace and security, would help them to develop their personalities and guarantees their safe future. In contrast the child who doesn't receive any love and sympathy from its parents, will grow up to be an irresponsible misfit. Such a behaviour is likely to make the child abnormal, and a psychological complex, full of hatred, aimlessness and social ills.
* Adolescent or growing up children, who are becoming conscious of themselves and the environment around them should not be maltreated or ridiculed by parents. Paying scant respect to their budding personality and making them feel imperfect may lead them to disobey and dislike their own parents. To treat them harshly and deprive them of their material needs may push the adolescents toward such immoralities as lying, theft, fraud, psychological disorders and etc., thereby affecting the whole society.
* It is not proper for parents to discriminate among their own children, doting on one but neglecting the other, because the feeling of negligence will instill in the child an unconscious abhorance for the parents, weakening family ties and ruining the child's future.
* The isolation and aloofness of a family which severes its ties from all relatives, neighbors and society has a negative effect on the children's lives, retarding their mental and social growth. On the other hand when children observe their parents’ firm ties with friends, kinsfolk, and neighbours, interspersed with exchange of visits, gifts, warm hospitality and a sincere concern for the others' needs, it is natural for youngsters to absorb these qualities, learning good morals and ettiquette.
* Parents should draw an educational and cultural program for their children, starting from early childhood even before the child enters school. They should recite Qur'anic verses and phrases like the Shahadatain' (the two testimonies) necessary for a Muslim. They should tell morals and narrate events from the life of the Prophet, his infallible Household and pious -companions. Their glorious life full of courage, magnanimity, truth, honor, love and kindness will inspire the children and help mould their character.
* The children should be introduced to Islamic events and rites and should be explained the significance and importance of these dates. Annual events like Lailatul-Qadr (The Qadr Night in Ramadhan), start of
the Prophet's mission, The Eids, the Hajj pilgrimage and its dimensions should be properly explained.
* The belief in Monotheism (Tawheed) and Allah's pristine Majesty and love towards Him, should be instilled in the children's heart. They should be taught to remember Allah, and invoke His blessings, whether, starting a meal, finishing it, undertaking something, facing difficulties, etc., and should be taught to thank Allah on achieving their aims. Parents must entertain questions arising in their children's minds concerning belief, ideology, hereafter, laws etc., providing able answers and clearing doubts.
* Teaching children Allah's last revelation to mankind, the Holy Qur'an, the way to recite it and understand its eternal wisdom. Parents should encourage children to contemplate on the glorious verses of the Qur'an and their meanings.
* Parents should dissuade children from hearing, watching or practicing forbidden things, or acts and explain their harmful effects and the reason the thing or act is prohibited in Islam. It is a duty to help children differentiate between Halal and Haram.
* Fostering the spirit of Islamic brotherhood among children and expanding their knowledge of the Muslim Ummah and its affairs, its past history and the present situation. At tile same time it is necessary to caution children against the enemies of Islam and their guilable plots to' deceive and enslave unsuspecting Muslim peoples. Practical examples can be provided from current events and the recent colonial past.
* The lofty concept of repentance and being generous to a fault should be nurtured in the children. Teaching them to forgive others and offer apologies for faults of their own removes much ill-feeling and promotes goodwill among the society. Ways of seeking Allah's forgiveness and desisting from repeating a blunder should be encouraged. Of-course parents have the right to use coercion to reform children but punishment should be used as a last resort.
* Instructing children in hygiene and cleanliness, so they take proper care of their boy, clothes and appearance. A saying from the Prophet says:
"Cleanliness is part of faith”
* Children should be encouraged to take to sports and invest their free time in constructive activities. Islam lays stress on physical training.
* Both male and female should be instructed in their respective spheres. for nature and physique has created them as perfect foils to each other with different responsibilities in life.
* Guiding them to keep away from bad habits which eventually ruin both body and spirit. A novel example is the Western society in which children grow up in violence and moral decadence, reading and watching fictious comic characters. No wonder today the godless societies of Europe and America are inflicted with dangerous diseases and social breakdown.
We earnestly hope our humble efforts to spotlight the importance of Islamic Education will inspire Muslim parents and children to rally to Allah's path.
We seek guidance from the holy Qur'an and implore Allah to guide us on the glorious path of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) and his infallible Household. Ameen.
Women in the Nahjul-balagha: A Psychological Perspective
Women in the Nahjul-balagha: A Psychological Perspective
The difference between men and women according to Imam Ali (AS) from the psychological perspective
One of the important principles which should be considered about women and therefore, one should refer to Imam Ali (AS), is the physical- psychological differences between men and women.
The intellectual and emotional differences between men and women
One of the undeniable differences between men and women relates to the intellect and feelings. Of course, it should be noted that by intellect, it means theoretical intellect, since in practical intellect women are not less than men and they are even sometimes better. In other words, theoretical, analytical, philosophical, hypothetical, and socio-political intellects are wider and stronger in men.
In general pure reason, mathematics, and pure theoretical intellects are more active in men than women, but practical intellect which relates to human perfection and progress is equal in men and women.
Though the world of intellect, feelings and vision of women are different, these matters don't play any role in evaluating human beings. Practical intellect which relates to human's perfection and progress is equal in men and women. Deduction, inductive reasoning, and solving mathematical equations are only skills, not human values.
And if men and women are different in this view and the quantity of such power is not equal in them, it does not mean at all that one is superior to the other especially because men and women are equal in perceiving life, divine knowledge, and the development of morals and determination, which are related to practical intellect. Perceiving some of the fine emotional realities are easier for women than men, and women are even more powerful in such perceptions.
Anyway, one of the differences between men and women is related to reasoning faculty and psychologists also have given attention to it.
M.S. Lamber says: ''In a woman the reasoning faculty is imperfect since her powerful emotions amuses her deceitfully. Though women are clever and can perceive things fast, their minds have no connection and adherence in social matters.''
And one of the differences which Imam Ali (AS) has noted in describing the extent of intellect between men and women is the matter of imperfect intellect which Imam Ali (AS) has talked about it in Sermon 80 [Nahj al- Balaghah].
As we told before, this imperfection doesn't mean imperfection of value at all. It only means that women are weaker than men in subjects related to theoretical and pure matters, and such an imperfection has no serious repercussion on the perfection and progress of women in superiority fields.
Besides, the difference in the extent of theoretical intellect, the other difference between men and women, exists in their feelings and emotions. It is natural that women are more emotional because of their motherhood and fellowship mission. This matter by itself is so valuable for women since instincts and emotions in a human being are the origin of any activity and motion. As psychologists have interpreted, the main engine for permanent activity in a human being is emotions and feelings and their type, intensity, and weakness has a special effect on individual and social life of a person.
One should search for the key of prosperity and misery of a person in the good or poor condition of his feelings. MacDegal says:
''Regulation and equilibrium of emotions and feelings is a basis for the perfection of personality and the personality of an individual originates generally from the intensity and weakness of his feelings.''
Since emotions and feelings are more powerful in women, therefore, the intellectual cognition of women is influenced more by the emotions and feelings. But men are influenced less by their feelings and thus women are more powerful in emotional matters. As a result men and women need each other to fill these vacuums. Men need women because of their emotions and women need men for their intellect.
In other words, the intellectual imperfections of a woman are compensated by the intellectual perfection of a man and the emotional imperfection of a man is compensated by the emotional perfection of a woman.
As the human life and his perfection require both intellectual and emotional perfection man and woman together make a complete human unit.
Imam Ali (AS) in Nahj al- Balaghah says explicitly: ''women are in shortage of wisdom and faith.''
As it had been explained before, this isn't a value or quality imperfection. It is only because of the powerful emotions of women and their effects on perceptions and this matter leads to the imperfection of intellect in women.
The difference in the scope of obligations and responsibilities between a wife and a husband
One of the differences which exists between men and women as Imam Ali (AS) has pointed out is the difference in the field of obligations and responsibilities.
As we explained in the previous chapter though the pure intelligence and universal intellect is more powerful in men, the bigness of a man's skull, the heaviness of his brain, and the power of his theoretical intellect cannot mean that they are nearer to the Divine realities and thus can perceive the realities of existence better.
Even one can say that men see life and perceive realities based on their theoretical intellect and senses, but women have more immediate and intuitive knowledge while men perceive the realities by empirical and acquired knowledge. A man stares at the realities in the mirror of her nature.
Since the intellect has been referred to as the practice of religion and practical virtue in most of the traditions and the remarks of infallible Imams (AS) and what makes a human superior in the Divine portal is his virtue and that virtue is developed by the pious deeds, the weakness and limitation of the theoretical intellect in women won't do any damage to their faithfulness and devotion, but women are able to communicate with Allah faster and better because of their delicate and direct soul which they have in life.
Men and women are equal in perceiving life, divine knowledge, and the development of morals and determination which are related to practical intellect. Perceiving some of the fine emotional realities are easier for women than men, and women are even more powerful in such perceptions.
In general, one should say that it is a difficult task for a man to reach the practical virtue and moral perfection due to his Powerful instincts, sensual inclinations and also the possession of rigid, irresistible, and inflexible morale which leads to egotism, selfishness, haughtiness, etc. Therefore, men have to suffer more hardships and mortifications.
women are inclined to virtue and divine faith more than men due to their weaknesses and limitations in their instincts and sensual inclinations and also because of their fine and flexible morals.
Though their level of thinking, intellectual faculty and speculative philosophy is less than that of men, women have great emotional aptitude and direct connection with life instead and are able to pass the ways of virtue, practice, commitment, theosophy, and obedience easier. women can pass the way of the divine proximity better by the way of theosophy and intuition.
Surely psychologists also have discussed about the matters related to the women's internal insight and their abilities to communicate better with the creatures and the Creator, but it isn't possible now to talk about their theories in detail. There is an agreement between psychologists and theoreticians on this matter that women are more powerful in faithfulness and devotion due to their internal insight.
M.S. Jina Lambrouz, the well- known psychologist, says: ''Insight is the internal visual faculty of a woman and this hidden vision can see the result of an event before its happening and inspired her. A woman's insight is a compass which saves her from misleading.''
''Suzan Vieh'', a specialist in pharmaceutical plants, points out this and says: ''All over the world men are trying to reach the intemal insight and communication by the way of internal thinking while a menopausal woman reaches this level normally.
To show that women were pioneers in Islam and their qualities, it is enough to say that many women accepted the religion before their husbands, and perceived its realities by the inferences and believed in it firmly while not only many men refused to accept and had doubt about it but also they tried to extinguish its light.
This matter shows that women were intelligent, genius, and pioneer in piety and religiousness. Malik ibn Anas in Al-Muwatta has also said that some women had accepted Islam while their husbands had been infidels. Some of them are as follows: The daughter of Walid ibn Mughayrah who was the wife of Safwan ibn 'Ummayah and became a Muslim before her husband, and Ummi Hakim who was the daughter of Harith ibn Hashim and the wife of Akramah ibn Abi Jahl and accepted lslam before her husband.
Imam Ali (AS) knew the imperfection of women's faith during their menstruation period due to the abandonment of the ritual prayer and fasting. This doesn't mean that the belief structure of a woman is imperfect. But because of special physical-Psychological situation of women in the period of menstruation, some of the obligations and responsibilities are not asked from them. Thus, the range and quality of the obligations of the women and men are different. Surely, this abandonment of the ritual prayer and fast may harm their beliefs and to compensate for such imperfection and deficit, Islam recommends communicating with Allah by invocation, supplication and recitation the Qur' an. And during the special time of ritual prayer it is suggested that women Perform their ablutions, pray sitting on their prayer mats, and fast after the glorious month of Ramadan to compensate for those days which they Cannot fast.
As such, this decrease of Pressure in obligations and her deliverance is because of her special condition and a woman can prevent from its bad effects on her faith by praying and communicating with Allah. It doesn't mean that generally women are imperfectness in their faith, and Imam Ali (AS) has also confirmed this imperfectness due to the abandonment of ritual Prayer and fast during that period. How is it Possible that women enjoy the goodly life based on the interpretation of the Qur' an and can Possess all the spiritual Perfection that men can enjoy but are imperfect in the structure of beliefs and personality?!
The difference between men and women in excitements and tensions
One of the other mental differences that exist between man and woman relates to excitements, and psychologists believe that women will be excited faster than men. Thus, their reactions towards events and happenings are different.
Professor Rick says:
'' Men and women are generally different in form and manner, besides the feelings and the extent of excitements aren't alike and will never show the same reactions towards the events and happenings.''
Jina Lambrouz says: ''What make a woman to take a decision are her cordial emotions and not her intellectual preliminaries.
Anyway, the speed of getting excited in a woman compared to a man is a mental difference between them which has effects on the women's reactions and decisions.
Thus, Imam Ali (AS) has highlighted this mental difference and has recommended:
''Don't stimulate the women's feelings and emotions even if they offend your honors and reputations.''
The stimulation of women's feelings and emotions may make them perform actions against the intellect and law and show unreasonable reactions because the speed of excitements makes her intellectual and sensual faculties weak and this weakness has a great effect on the women's actions and decisions. Thus, Imam Ali (AS) has recommended not to make women so much excited that can lead to unreasonable behaviors.
Liberation by the Veil
Liberation by the Veil
Modesty and chastity , very important ideologies with Islam, are achieved by prescribing standards on behavior and the dress of a Muslim. A woman who adheres to the tenements of Islam is required to follow the dress code called Hijab, other synonymes are Veil, Purdah, or just Covering. It is an act of faith and establishes a Muslim's life with honor, respect and dignity. The Hijab is viewed as a liberation for women, in that the covering brings about "an aura of respect" (Takim, 22) and women are recognized as individuals who are admired for their mind and personality, "not for their beauty or lack of it" ( Mustafa ) and not as sex objects.
Contrary to popular belief, the covering of the Muslim woman is not oppression but a liberation from the shackles of male scrutiny and the standards of attractiveness. In Islam, a woman is free to be who she is inside, and immuned from being portrayed as sex symbol and lusted after. Islam exalts the status of a woman by commanding that she "enjoys equal rights to those of man in everything, she stands on an equal footing with man" (Nadvi, 11) and both share mutual rights and obligations in all aspects of life.
Men and women though equal are not identical, and each compliments the other in the different roles and functions that they are responsible to. "From an Islamic perspective, to view a woman as a sex symbol is to denigrate her. Islam believes that a woman is to be judged by her [virtuous] character and actions rather than by her looks or physical features" (Takim, 22). In the article, "My Body Is My Own Business", Ms. Naheed Mustafa , a young Canadian born and raised, university-educated Muslim woman writes,
"The Quran [ which is the Holy Book for Muslims] teaches us that men and women are equal, that individuals should not be judged according to gender, beauty, wealth or privilege. The only thing that makes one person better than another is his or her character."
She goes on to say,
"In the Western world, the hijab has come to symbolize either forced silence or radical, unconscionable militancy. Actually, its neither. It is simply a woman's assertion that judgement of her physical person is to play no role whatsoever in social interaction."
Muslims believe that God gave beauty to all women, but that her beauty is not be seen by the world, as if the women are meat on the shelf to be picked and looked over. When she covers herself she puts herself on a higher level and men will look at her with respect and she is noticed for her intellect, faith, and personality, not for her beauty. In many societies, especially in the West, women are taught from early childhood that their worth is proportional to their attractiveness and are compelled to follow the male standards of beauty and abstract notions of what is attractive, half realizing that such pursuit is futile and often humiliating (Mustafa).
Chastity, modesty, and piety are promoted by the institution of veiling. "The hijab in no way does not prevent a woman from playing her role as an important individual in a society nor does it make her inferior." (Takim,22)
A Muslim woman may wear whatever she pleases in the presence of her husband and family or among women friends. But when she goes out or when men other than her husband or close family are present she is expected to wear a dress which will cover [her hair and] all parts of her body, and not reveal her figure. What a contrast with Western fashions which every year concentrate quite intentionally on exposing yet another erogenous zone to the public gaze! The intention of Western dress is to reveal the figure, while the intention of Muslim dress is to conceal [and cover] it, at least in public (Lemu,25).
The Muslim woman does not feel the pressures to be beautiful or attractive, which is so apparent in the Western and Eastern cultures. She does not have to live up to expectations of what is desirable and what is not. Superficial beauty is not the Muslim woman's concern; her main goal is inner spiritual beauty. She does not have to use her body and charms to get recognition or acceptance in society. It is very different from the cruel methods that other societies subject women, in that their worth is always judged by their physical appearance. There are numerous examples of discrimination at the workplace where women are either accepted or rejected, because of their attractiveness and sex appeal.
Another benefit of adorning the veil is that it is a protection for women. Muslims believe that when women
display their beauty to everybody, they degrade themselves by becoming objects of sexual desire and become vulnerable to men, who look at them as "gratification for the sexual urge"(Nadvi,8). The Hijab makes them out as women belonging to the class of modest chaste women, so that transgressors and sensual men may recognize them as such and dare not tease them out of mischief" (Nadvi, 20). Hijab solves the problem of sexual harassment and unwanted sexual advances, which is so demeaning for women, when men get mixed signals and believe that women want their advances by the way they reveal their bodies.
The western ideology of, 'if you have it, you should flash it!' is quite opposite to the Islamic principle, where the purpose is not to bring attention to ones self, but to be modest.
women in so many societies are just treated as sex symbols and nothing more than just a body who "display themselves to get attention" (Mustafa). A good example is in advertising, where a woman's body is used to sell products. women are constantly degraded, and subjected to reveal more and more of themselves. .
The Covering sanctifies her and forces society to hold her in high esteem. Far from humiliating the woman, Hijab actually grants the woman an aura of respect, and bestows upon her a separate and unique identity (Takim, 22). According to the Qu'ran, the same high standards of moral conduct are for men as it is for women. Modesty is essential in a man's life, as well, whether it be in action, morals or speech. Islam also commands proper behavior and dress of men, in that they are not allowed to make a wanton show of their bodies to attract attention onto themselves, and they too must dress modestly. They have a special commandment to lower their eyes, and not to brazenly stare at women.
In Sura Nur of the Holy Qu'ran it says,
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them, and God is well acquainted with what they do".
Many of the misconceptions of the Muslim woman in the west, particularly her veil stems from Arab and Muslim countries that have deviated from the true doctrines of Islam, and have " mixed up Islamic principles with pre-Islamic pagan traditions" (Bahnassawi, 67)
In this present period of decline from Islam, many Muslim women are alienated, isolated from social life, and are oppressed by Muslim men and rulers who use the name of religion for their injustices. (Bahnassawi, 65) In this instance, the Hijab is used as a means of keeping many Muslim women away from society, with the misconception that it signifies isolation and weakness. But as many Muslim women come back into the fold of the untainted and true Islam, they are able to recognize the injustice of men who have for so long stripped them of their rights to be an integral part of society and "deserving the same dignity, honor, progress and prosperity as the men" (Nadvi,26).
women regaining their true identity and role in society, are now wearing Hijab and embracing its concept of liberation for women, and are taking their rightful places that Islam had endowed upon them fourteen hundred years ago.
Attitude of Imam Khomeini towards women
The Attitude of Imam Khomeini towards women at the Backdrop of Philosophy
No creation on earth is without a purpose; nor unnecessary. Some of the creations may apparently appear to us of having no purpose, but in essence behind every created being there lie unassailable reason and reality. In other words, a well-thought out and accurate planning is at the root of all these countless creations.
Man and Woman are two inseparable parts of a unified human society. These two parts are complimentary to each other. The human society cannot attain its full stature to the exclusion of any of the two. Allah has created Man and Woman with a mission to implement a great scheme. Woman has been created as a unique example towards execution of this flawless scheme. In the realm of creation the place and the role of woman are very important. From the inception of the earth, Woman has been playing her role resplendent in her own sphere. In order to meet the multi-faced needs of this strange and wonderful world the Creator created two species of opposite physical and mental characteristics. That is why, each of them was given the physical and mental capability as were required to fulfill his/her assigned role in their respective areas of necessities. Distinctiveness in the way of life and living has been made in order to maintain the differentiation in the physical and mental faculties of Man and Woman. Woman accounts for half of humanity, while Man represents the other half.
In fact, the real identity and role of a Woman are discernible in her accomplishing this task. The Great Creator in His ingenuity has endowed woman with the necessary limbs and nerves, physical and mental capabilities suited to this task. For the multiplication and continued existence of mankind, the Creator has delineated four successive stages: Conceiving, delivering, breast-feeding and rearing. Suffice it to say, each stage is very significant and a Woman has to pass the time of these stages very delicately and with a keen sense of responsibility. Admittedly, the up-keeping and rearing of children calls for special care, alertness and a code of conduct. A little lapse may cause serious consequence including fatality. It is known to all, the educated and the uneducated without any distinction that a mother has to pass a very critical chapter of her life while she crosses the first three of the four stages of her motherhood. Even at a certain juncture, she may have to give up her hope of survival.
After such sufferings fraught with danger, a Woman becomes a mother and again a new chapter of responsibility opens up before her. This chapter spans from the date of birth of a child to its attaining the stature of being able to independently taking care of itself when a mother can be relieved of her responsibility of rearing. During this growth period, a mother has to keep a sharp eye and look after the food and rest, the movement, the conduct - all aspects of a child’s life. Nothing is of more concern to a mother than a child’s golden future and whether the valuable moments are being properly utilized by the child towards building such a future. A mother’s role mission is to equip her child with the best character, excellent health and highest attributes of morality.
A Woman can create a social reformer. Likewise, good mothers can offer a good nation. A man hasn’t been given the mentality that a Woman possesses for the love and sacrifice for a child. Although there is no dearth of love and feeling in a father for his child, only the mother and none else can rear a child with love, affection and care.
In spite of her playing a very important role in the world of creation, woman has been subjected to torture, subjugation, maltreatment and neglect over a long period. women forgot their womanhood and motherhood, busied themselves in the show of beauty and thus pleasing the men and hence became easily available commodities. True, women came out of the shackles of home; but they couldn’t confine themselves to be the rivals of men in the working field. They started quenching, rather unknowingly, the sexual thirst of men. The so-called slogan of “Liberation of women” though could bring out the women in the name of self-reliance, from the four walls of the house in the open space, but failed to provide the women with an iota of security, honor and relief.
In establishing the women in their self-glorified positions, the Leader of the Age,
Ayatollah Imam Khomeini (RA), says:
“Islam doesn’t want that women should be pawns or commodities at the hands of men. Islam wants to protect the personality of a woman and to see her as an important and active person.”
According to Imam Khomeini (RA), the duty of women of today is to perform their social and religious functions, to maintain the sanctity and chastity as individuals and to carry forward social and political movement based on public sanctity and congenial atmosphere. He has given forceful opinion about the appropriate position, role and respect of women in the modern world. Not only in the contemporary world, nay, in the history of 1000 years women were never found so progressive and dignified as the women of Iran of today.
In order to focus special attention to the upliftment and respect of women, Imam Khomeini (RA) has declared the Sacred Birthday of the mother of the Muslim world, Fatima Zahra (SA) as the Great women Day. Through this declaration, Imam Khomeini (RA) has reinstated woman in their deserving positions and the women thus regained their lost respect and glory.
About the role and position of women in the world the great Imam (RA) says: “women have a big role to play in the society. They are the symbols of hopes, aspirations and realizations of mankind.” He has designated the women as the guardians of mankind. He says: “ Only women from their laps can hand over to the society such human beings, because of whom, not only one society, but many such societies can acquire unfaltering fighting spirit and towering human values.” In identifying the position of women in the world of creation, the Imam opines, “Man has gone on Meraj from the lap of a woman.” He observes: “Woman’s role is higher than that of man in the society. It is due to the fact, the women besides being an active class by all its definitions, sustain in their domain, the other classes.”
He goes on to say: “I am observing amazing changes in the women’s societies which are far-reaching and wide compared to those of the societies of men. I feel proud of the respectable women of Iran; because such changes have come into the women of Iran which have nullified the devilish conspiracy hatched out, over 50 years, by the alien conspirators and their local boot-licker-collaborators, and despicable poets, writers and the hired publicity organizations.” He also says: “The rise and fall of a society depend on the rise and fall of women of that society.”
“Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) possessed an immutable personality and had profound knowledge on all aspects of Islam which she used to translate into her practical life and living. She wasn’t only the ideal of that age, she, too, is a Model to be imitated even in this age when science and technology have made great strides in human civilization.”