Commemorating Shabe Zarbat of 1st Imam Ali (AS) - 19th Ramadhan /

The night of 19 Ramadhan 40 A.H. marked the beginning of one of the greatest losses to humanity. A man who had given everything to others, who had been oppressed but never thought of revenge, who forgave his enemies, who helped the weak and fathered the orphans was preparing to meet his Lord. On this night, a wicked and impure man was going to besmear his hands with the blood of the Commander of the Faithful so that it might serve as a dowry for a wicked and impure woman. It was a terrible night. The Imam (AS) was awake. He remembered his childhood which was spent under the shade of the Holy Prophet, the night of Migration when he slept on the bed of the Prophet, the battles in which he defended the Prophet, the times when the Prophet embraced him declaring: “ This is my brother.” He remembered the night when the Prophet came to his house while he was asleep. Fatima (AS) wanted to awaken him but the Prophet said: “Let him sleep because after me, he will be deprived of sleep for a long time.” When it was dawn, Imam Ali (AS) proceeded to the mosque slowly. He stopped at the gate for a short while and looked at the mourning ducks. Imam arrived at the mosque and prostrated himself before Almighty Allah (SWT). At that time, ibne Muljim (May the curse of Allah and all his creatures befall him) dealt such a blow on his head, everything in this world became heartbroken except the face of Ali who cried out: “By the Lord of the Kabah, I have been successful!” People started attacking ibne Muljim and captured him. When he was brought in front of the Commander of the Faithful, he said: “Give him good food and a soft bed.” The Imam recommended to all his children and close ones to be kind to neighbours, care for the needy, to have good relations amongst themselves, to observe simplicity and justice at all times.
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